St Jean Pied de Port

St Jean Pied de Port

The Route

The Route

Monday, June 21, 2010

Standing room only

Greetings....we are home!! i realize we did not blog as we hoped to. a few factors played a role, 1. we were too damn tired to fart let alone write while on the camino, 2. when we did manage to find internet it was crazy expensive and limited use was an issue with regards to truly writing our little hearts out. 3. if we were not walking in one country we were walking and touring in another country, Italy....either way we were out and about and doing what we seem to do best, eating!

now to recount some moments in Italy. as the title of the blog suggests there may be some issues with regards to you might ask? apparently in Italy it costs more to sit and eat, drink etc. than it does to stand. now we are not talking a little amount difference but it can be quite significant, depending on your budget of course, but just the fact that they feel the need to charge more, got our "goat". so after a long camino and some well needed rest, we were set to the test in Italy having to stand everywhere to eat or drink, our feet rebelled quite a bit, let me tell you. i personally find it barbaric to stand to drink a lovely coffee or consume a wee snack. since we had the fashion left overs from the camino we had no trouble just sitting our butts where ever we could. although in Venezia it is illegal to eat in public places, this way you can spend all your tourist dollars to the max eating, drinking there, cheeky buggers!

our Italian tour took us to Napoli, Amalfi coastal hike (yep...hike!), Pompeii, Island of Ishcia, Roma, Volterra, Siena, San Giamano, La Spezia-Cinque Terre- yet another hike!, Venezia, Volta Montana-various villages in the surrounding area and finally Milano. we felt we could get a little of each region, including the local food specialties, let's face it, we cannot go somewhere and not try what they feel is the best pasta, wine, dessert etc. it is a difficult thing but we managed to do our very best.

as the food change so did the scenery, people, and architecture. My favourite region was Toscana-Tuscany, beautiful beyond words and the food....aaaahhhh fabulous. my favourite city is Venezia, nothing beats the water combined with canals, bridges, secret little corners....never a dull moment. we met some amazing people as well and hope that one day they will visit us here in Canada so we can return their kindness.

We are glad to be back home. I know that might sound strange but i feel we have lived a lifetime with this trip. so many lessons, so much pain, beauty, and extremes. i am excited to start new ventures and most of all trying to appreciate what we have in our country. we may not have the history, the architecture, style but we do have liberties and freedoms that others will never know in their lifetime....that is worth more than 1,000+ year old buildings etc. I will miss the history but not enough to sacrifice my safety and well being. I will have to just visit when i miss the old stone.

there is more reflection i am sure that will come to me as the weeks move along. i look forward to it and hope that it will bring about some interesting conversations with some of you.

Ciao, ciao,

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