St Jean Pied de Port

St Jean Pied de Port

The Route

The Route

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Still truckin

We are still alive...barely! It has been a crazy last couple of days. It seems we are always moving which I guess we are actually but the days seem to meld into one after awhile. Yesterday we had a relatively easy day at 21km so we broke out into song since there was nothing around for the whole walk, expect for other pilgrims. They did not seem to mind our spontaneous craziness...besides most of them do not speak English. Oh yes, we are on day 15, I believe....

Any doctors out there? I think I have managed to pinch a nerve in my foot....I cannot feel my big toe on the top and I have a rather painful bump on the could be worse..oh right I managed to get a cold as luck continues to shine. Meanwhile Viviana is a shining star while I slowly fall to pieces, she is there to scrape me off the floor....whether she really wants to or not.

The Meseta which we are on now is quite flat overall and lovely, though some people find it boring. I am loving the flat part!!! It is a well needed break from the up and down. The weather has been rather good but we got a good down pour while going up a rather steep hill, not completely flat all the time...that would be asking for too much.

I am now adding to the music symphany during the night since breathing is at a minimum, it is funny to listen to the musical butts and snorts. I burst out laughing and there is no one listening to me which suits me just fine.

Ciao for now K!

Safe trip to Carmina and Kris, we tried to get to an internet yesterday but no luck, sorry.

Viviana has asked for me to pass on a message

Marg... if you are reading this you have to do it... take at least 40 days.. i will explain later

T.H. Viviana has been carrying a rock for you and will place it with ours on the day we leave all burdens behind on the Camino... again more explaining later...


  1. Hi you two,
    I have posted a couple of helpful hints { I hope! }, but I can't find a record of my post!Dell and I just got back from our trip to The Deep North or Townsville, for the 50th Anniversary of my old Army Regiment. I'll bore you with it later. Sorry to hear about the feet, but they will heal.Let us know if this posting gets through.
    Love ya both,
    Les and Dell

  2. Kimberley, get to a doctor. Not sure where you two are at, but if you haven't passed León, get to a doctor. Your foot really should get looked at.

    I miss you guys. Might be catching up with you soon....we will see how the weather holds. It snowed today in Hontana and tomorrow is supposed to rain....


  3. hey all we can see your post all of them. when are you getting back with us heather.... we are in leon tomorrow and her foot is ok now.. well not really but it has been looked at and she just has to work with the pain.
