St Jean Pied de Port

St Jean Pied de Port

The Route

The Route

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Climbing a mountain tomorrow

Well this will be short as it is way past this girls bedtime. We are off to climb a mountain tomorrow reaching the highest peak to date. We will be leaving as early as we can since we are heading to bed late. Last night was a nightmare we shared a room with 2 men who snored really loud. To put it into perspective they sounded like a car that has lost it´s muffler and backfires every once in a while. What a nightmare. To add to that it was freezing in the arbegue.

Anyway I have managed to get a pretty bad rash on the backs of my knees so at the end of the day I hobble along with Kimberley. I can´t complain though since Kimberley is in constant pain at the end of a twenty five to twenty seven km day and never once complains.

We are having enjoying the coffees though 3 today! I am in coffee heaven though I can´t wait to get to Italy to enjoy an espresso in a piazza with no backpack to lug.

We are 11 days tomorrow from Santiago... keep praying for us!

More from Kimberley tomorrow... that is if the mountain does not get the best of us lol.

looking forward to uploading some pics for you all and really getting blogging down!


1 comment:

  1. G'day,
    Did you pack some talcum powder in case of rashes etc? Even old fashioned corn flower is good for soothing those annoying rashes. Good luck with the mountain,you both sound as though you are putting your bodies and souls to the ultimate test. You'll make it!
    Les and Dell
