St Jean Pied de Port

St Jean Pied de Port

The Route

The Route

Monday, April 19, 2010

survival of the fitest

Hey all we made...sorry we have been trying to get on but mucho problemas! we are on our 3rd day of the hurts to think let alone walk for 13 hours straight. our first day was a killer, we made it in at 13 hours 2 minutes just getting over the mountains into Spain, just as it was getting dark...scary stuff. we barely had time to fart let alone get into bed before the lights were out.

The next day took us 11 hours or so to get to Larrasoana. The views everything were lovely. so much to say and so little time since the internet is counting down as i write this....sorry.

The third day we are now in Cizur Menor, only 6.5 hours. why you might ask..? no mountains and rather flat compared to the first day but still lots of ups and downs....that will never end i fear, and we got up before the darn rooster started...craziness!

My little feet have seen better days...losing a toenail...might have a funeral for it...not sure, seems sad though since it has been with me for awhile, ah well.

We will write later but the time is ticking on the coin we had to put wifi to use here unfortunately.

Please send positive vibes for my feet since they seem rather angry at me right now.



  1. Viviana, consider walking your OWN shorter stages! There is no law that says you have to walk the stages in the guidebook! Walk until you are tired, then stop!

  2. Can't wait for the pictures! This has got to be your next script!

  3. Larry,

    lots of material abound! We could write many scripts with this one...cannot wait. Miss ya!

    K & V
