St Jean Pied de Port

St Jean Pied de Port

The Route

The Route

Sunday, March 28, 2010

3rd Sunday before we go!

I am feeling rather excited today....could not sleep in. We had some mates over last night to say good bye before we leave for our trip. We celebrated Earth Hour with them. We extended the hour of course. The candles were lit anyways and well that is who we are really. It was rather exciting chatting about the pending trip. Our mates are heading to Peru....we almost went there as well but decided to take on this trip. The question came up..."what will you miss most?". We could not choose the obvious which was our pets, our cats, and them their dogs. I said "safety". It is so easy to forget that we live in a safe country, but beyond that, I feel safe overall with where we live and just knowing the lay of the land even with it's dangers, is comforting. There are no question marks for us since we know where the good places to eat are, how to get to them, we have shelter etc.....once that is gone what is there? Uncertainty. I feel it is this uncertainty that makes or breaks most people traveling, no matter where they travel.

In the end "faith" is what carries us through....I am not talking just "faith" with regards to the creator, although that is important but entirely different subject (one I am really sure will be discussed here at some point) but "faith" in who we are as people and how we walk in this world. How we deal with any given situation will dictate the future of our experience on this challenge we have ahead. For now I feel great...ask me 5, 15 or 25 days on the trek and well, we will have to see...

Ever forward!



  1. I was going to send you only one little verse (this one below) but decided to send you a delightful 5th century pilgrim's prayer which shows that our fears have not changed all that much!

    The verse:

    A traveler crossed a frozen stream
    in trembling fear one day;
    Later another drove across,
    and whistled all the way.
    Great and little faith alike
    were granted safe convoy;
    One had pangs of needless fear,
    the other all the joy.”
    - Author Unknown

    St. Gildas 5thC Pilgrims’ Prayer

    In health may I and all of my companions
    Safely arrive with no harm or injury –
    May my boat be safe in the waves of the ocean,
    My horses safe on the highways of the earth,
    Our money safe as we carry it with us
    To pay due heed to our poor necessities.
    May our enemies fail to do harm to us,
    However evil the counsels which inspire them,
    In the eternal name of Christ our Master,
    May my roads all lie plain before me,
    Whether I climb the rugged heights of mountains,
    Or descend the hollow depths of valleys,
    Or trudge the lengthy roads on open country,
    Or struggle through the thickets of dense forest:
    May I walk always in straight ways and shining
    To longed-for places . . .”

  2. Thank you so much for your post it means a lot to us!
